your self-proclaimed addiction to artificially flavored foods is caused by your bamboozled brain.
The five biologically-innate tastes we as humans are able to detect are: salt, acid, bitter, sweet, and umami (savory). Cells constantly chit chat about what foods deliver what nutrients…they’re picky little guys! For example, they know calcium supports blood clotting, while magnesium supports muscle growth.
But over the past few decades, scientists have discovered a way to isolate flavors, like chicken flavored Ramen or strawberry flavored ice cream, and our brains and cells no longer are on the same page about which of these foods are ACTUALLY linked and delivers the real nutrients the cells are seeking.
This can also leave the cells and brain unsatisfied with the chicken ramen it just consumed because it was expecting...well, chicken! This might explain how and why artifically flavored / processed foods can become an "addictive craving" - sending the cells and brain on a treasure hunt with the wrong map!
Keeping whole foods with their original flavor-identity is key…we aren’t here for any wolf-in-sheeps-clothing vibes!!
Also, feasting on a diverse array of foods can lead to a healthy gut microbiome. This diversity also ensures all different shapes / sizes / types are nutrients are available when our body needs them!
Deep dive into the brain's royal guard: