My all-time favorite topic! Your digestive tract is responsible for the process of digestion metabolism. Digestion metabolism just means when energy-generating nutrients are broken down to their simplest forms; so, those macronutrient categories - carbohydrates, fats, and proteins - are broken down into their simplest forms of monosaccharides, fatty acids, and amino acids, respectively (source).

What happens once these are all digested?
Once “digested”, or broken down into these simpler forms, they are absorbed into the bloodstream and out of the digestive tract. The blood then transports the nutrients to our organs 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Our “digestive tract” is also known as our “gut”. Believe it or not, recent research into a phenomenon called the “Mind-Body-Connection” has shown that our guts are essentially our second brain! It’s vital to ensure we keep our guts active, healthy, and well-fed due to its role in not only the speed at which we metabolize foods we eat, but also because it can impact feelings of stress, anxiety and severe depression.
What's an 'elimination diet'?
You know your body best, so it’s always a good idea to evaluate how you feel after eating certain foods, and whether or not your body “agrees'' with them. I hate the word "diet" but...when you experience disagreement or severe discomfort after consuming certain foods or food groups, it might be best to try an elimination diet.
How you are consuming food affects how they are digested.
Often overlooked, t’s important to note that the way in which you’re consuming food impacts how it’s digested; for example, I'll provide two scenarios: #1 EVAN: Evan is shoveling his tuna salad into his mouth whilst driving his kids to-and-from soccer practices and not paying attention to what he’s eating. #2 ANNA: Anna chooses to take an email-free 20-25 minutes to eat her turkey spinach wrap sitting down at the table. Now, whose body is going to be less stressed and more apt to focus on the "present moment" to genuinely experience their food? 🔔ding🔔 Anna!!! Her digestive tract is most likely going to yield ‘more agreeable’ reactions to her lunch because she’s in a calm, hyper-conscious state and focused on what she’s tasting and feeling. While I know this serene dining environment is not always achievable, it’s important to set aside at least 15-20 minutes whilst you eat because - YOU DESERVE THAT! :)
From promoting a speedier metabolism, to helping prevent heart disease, these foods are easy to prepare and SO nutrient-dense. I've also provided some fun ways to consume each food - including a recipe for each plus 3-4 of the essential benefits they provide.