Calories are only a small portion of what food is composed of.
Food is information and we need those high quality nutrients making proper communication with our cells
All calories are not equal.
100 calories from a brownie
is completely different information than
100 calories from carrot

Brownies and carrots, even if they both have 100 calories, provide different types of nutrients. Brownies might have more fats and sugars, while carrots have more fiber and vitamins (see screenshots).
When you eat, your body not only needs energy (calories) but also specific nutrients for different functions.
👉🏼 For example, proteins help build and repair tissues, while vitamins and minerals support various bodily processes.
So, even though the calorie count might be the same, your body will use the brownies and carrots differently. The brownies might give you a quick burst of energy, but they might not have the essential nutrients your body needs. On the other hand, the carrots provide not only energy but also important vitamins and fiber that contribute to overall health.
In summary, thinking about food only in terms of calories is like looking at a car and only considering how much gas it has, without thinking about the quality of the gas or the other fluids it needs to run properly. Different foods provide different nutrients, and these play important roles in keeping your body healthy and functioning well.